
Team Liquid is comprised of a group of retirement and financial professionals who have spent years in the industry, particularly in the IUL market. Our experience comes from the Public sector providing benefits to front line / essential workers. Much of our success has come from finding solutions to benefit recipients who have particular needs. We pride ourselves on being able to provide benefits that nobody else offers.

The IUL with instant “Liquidity”

While the IUL industry is not new, Team Liquid has created a way of delivering the IUL in liquid form (so to speak) which is not found in the market place. In order for the IUL to become liquid, we not only need to reconfigure it, but we also need to reduce our commission to only 1/6th of the standard amount. Despite the attractiveness and utility of being “liquid” it is simply not something that other agencies are willing to do.

Team Liquid is willing to be part of the solution that brings this incredible vehicle to people who might not otherwise consider an IUL. We believe The LiquidIUL.com account is so compelling and irresistible that you will tell your friends and relatives about all of its features and benefits.

Our carrier has been in business for 125 years, has assets of more than 1 $Trillion and is the largest insurance carrier in the world. It is a mutual company (not on the stock exchange) and is owned by its policy holders, is A+ rated by A.M Best.

We think you will be impressed with LiquidIUL.com.

Thank you in advance for giving us a look.

Team Liquid
